Top 10 for 2015 award
December 18, 2015

Top Ten UTSA College of Business Stories for 2015

Alvarez College of Business
Looking back through the past year in the UTSA College of Business, we’ve compiled below the Top 10 stories of 2015.

Outgoing associate dean Diane Walz and incoming associate dean Pamela Smith
December 9, 2015

Pamela Smith Named Associate Dean of Graduate Studies

Alvarez College of Business
After serving 12 years as the college’s associate dean of graduate studies, Diane Walz will step down from this administrative role on Dec. 31 and return to her faculty appointment as professor of information systems and cyber security.

Charlie Paulette presenting Dean's Forum January 27
December 9, 2015

Alumnus Charlie Paulette to Headline Inaugural Dean's Forum Jan. 27

Alvarez College of Business
The College of Business will launch its inaugural Dean’s Forum lecture series next month featuring alumnus Charlie Paulette, ’92, EMBA ’01.

William Cavanaugh
December 8, 2015

Entrepreneurship Graduate and Athlete Creates App to Help Students

Alvarez College of Business
Meet William Cavanaugh. For the past four years, you’ve seen him on the football field playing right guard for the Roadrunners. When he’s not on the offensive line, though, he’s making a difference in the lives of students.

Susan Pape, '86
December 8, 2015

Accounting Alumna Named COO of Express-News

Alvarez College of Business
Susan Pape ’86, who graduated from The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) College of Business with a degree in accounting, has been named Chief Operating Officer of the San Antonio Express-News.

Steven Gonzales
November 19, 2015

Alumnus Steven Gonzales Is a Leader in Cloud Computing

Alvarez College of Business
Steven Gonzales leads a team of software engineers remotely for a top enterprise storage company, quickly advancing in the cloud computing industry.

Outside of building on campus
November 19, 2015

Faculty Member Max Kilger Presents NATO Course on Cyber Terrorism

Alvarez College of Business
The recent tragic events in Paris have underscored the need for international cooperation in the struggle to deal with terrorism throughout the world. Just this month Max Kilger, senior lecturer in cyber security and marketing, traveled to Turkey with an international team to conduct NATO training on cyber terrorism.

Student leaders Zack Dunn and Ileana Gonzalez
November 18, 2015

Business Students Leading UTSA Student Government

Alvarez College of Business
According to business guru Peter Drucker, management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

Professional pondering implications of Big Data
November 18, 2015

College of Business Launches New Big Data Program

Alvarez College of Business
Big Data refers to data sets that are so large and complex that traditional information technology and analytical techniques are inadequate. Researchers use characteristics like the three “Vs” to describe the data created by this phenomenon: volume (amount of data), velocity (speed of information retrieval and processing) and variety (types of data).

Jenna Stoeltje
October 20, 2015

Graduate Real Estate Student Receives National Scholarship

Alvarez College of Business
Jenna Stoeltje, a graduate student in the Embrey Real Estate Finance and Development Program, was one of only 10 students nationwide chosen to receive the CREW Network Foundation Scholarship.

Mike Garcia Headshot
October 20, 2015

Mike Garcia to Present Frost Distinguished Lecture Nov. 10

Alvarez College of Business
Mike Garcia, ’85, chief financial officer and senior vice president of acquisitions and development for Omni Hotels & Resorts, will present the keynote address at the Frost Distinguished Lecture Series, presented by the UTSA College of Business.

Gino Chincarini
October 19, 2015

Alumnus Gino Chincarini Is Longest-Running Alumni Supporter

Alvarez College of Business
Gino Chincarini, ’79, MBA ’82 remembers his experience as a UTSA student as vividly as if it were yesterday. To this day, he cherishes the professors, the proud students and lifelong friendships. He personifies the spirit of a proud Roadrunner, and his 24 consecutive years of giving to the university are the evidence.

Zhongxia "Shelly" Ye
October 19, 2015

Do CEOs Influence Nominations for their Board of Directors

Alvarez College of Business
The board of directors oversees the governance of public companies, but how much influence do CEOs have in the nomination process for directors? According to recent research by UTSA accounting faculty member Zhongxia Ye and her colleagues at Kennesaw State University, they found that CEO influence can vary widely.

Jennifer Suarez
October 7, 2015

Jennifer Suarez Joins College's Center for Student Professional Development

Alvarez College of Business
The UTSA College of Business has appointed Jennifer Suarez, BA ’96 as the associate director of the Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD).

Wall Street bull statue
October 5, 2015

Economics Professor Takes on "Too Big to Fail" Banks in New Study

Alvarez College of Business
The financial crisis is nearly a decade in the past, but UTSA associate professor of economics Edgar Ghossoub says we’re still feeling the effects and are essentially living in a brave new financial world. In a study published in the European Economic Review, Ghossoub argues that because large banks have become bigger than ever, their market power is unprecedented and competition is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

Walter Embrey
October 5, 2015

Walter Embrey Donates $1 Million to Real Estate Finance and Development Program

Alvarez College of Business
Creating a legacy in the UTSA College of Business, San Antonio real estate legend Walter M. Embrey Jr. has made a $1 million gift in support of graduate student real estate education. In recognition of his gift, the college’s program will be named the Embrey Real Estate Finance and Development Program.

Kudla Foundation Research Laboratory Dedication
September 28, 2015

College Dedicates Laboratory in Honor of Alumni Nancy and Frank Kudla

Alvarez College of Business
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) College of Business dedicated the Kudla Foundation Research Laboratory last week in UTSA’s North Paseo Building.

Students at computer terminals in the Financial Studies Center.
September 21, 2015

Investment Society Creates Tomorrow's Wall Street Leaders

Alvarez College of Business
In just six years, the Investment Society at UTSA has gone from a finance club with half a dozen student members to one that holds meetings packed with over a hundred eager future investors.

Green Housing
September 15, 2015

What is the Value of Green Housing?

Alvarez College of Business
Do energy-efficient designations such as Energy Star homes and features such as double-pane windows and low-flow toilets increase the value of a home?

Keying Ye Headshot
September 15, 2015

Keying Ye Named American Statistical Association Fellow

Alvarez College of Business
Keying Ye, professor of statistics, was named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Pat Clynes at podium.
September 15, 2015

Three Business Alumni Honored at Alumni Gala

Alvarez College of Business
Three business alumni were honored by the UTSA Alumni Association during their annual Alumni Gala this fall.

Sharad Asthana
September 8, 2015

Sharad Asthana Named Chair of the Department of Accounting

Alvarez College of Business
Sharad Asthana, professor of accounting, has been named chair of the Department of Accounting.

Matthew Chavana at JetBlue's Headquarters
August 19, 2015

Business Student Interns at JetBlue's Headquarters

Alvarez College of Business
Business student Matthew Chavana left San Antonio this summer to pursue an internship opportunity with JetBlue, a Fortune 500 company.

Female in business suit surrounded by charts and graphs.
August 19, 2015

College Offering New Master's Degree in Data Analytics

Alvarez College of Business
Highlighting the college’s vision of championing innovative programs that provide students with applied skills, the UTSA College of Business will offer a new master’s degree in data analytics beginning in Fall 2016.

Nicole Beebe
August 3, 2015

Faculty Member Nicole Beebe Shares Insights on Hackers

Alvarez College of Business
From your personal laptop to Target’s databases, it seems that since the digital age dawned cyber terrorists have been lurking just around the corner. But who are these people? What are their methods? Why do they do it?

Jerome Keating in a classroom teaching
August 3, 2015

Jerome Keating Receives Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award

Alvarez College of Business
You might never guess that a faculty member whose philosophy is that statistics is learned by solving problems—lots of problems—would be a student favorite. But, Jerome Keating is famous for keeping his class enraptured while he shares statistical problems from his days at Bell Helicopter or consulting with NASA.

Ernest Bromley
July 29, 2015

Alumnus Ernest Bromley Is Taking on the World

Alvarez College of Business
Meet Ernest Bromley, ’78, ’80. He’s 64 years old and plans to retire from Bromley, the advertising agency he founded, to pursue a Ph.D.—but not before he completes a 375-mile bicycle race around Puerto Rico. He’s also one of UTSA’s first students.

Lit candles on birthday cake.
July 27, 2015

Marketing Researcher Studies Milestone Ages

Alvarez College of Business
It’s hard for most people to look ahead to the next milestone age without cringing. According to a new study by UTSA marketing assistant professor Rajesh Bhargave, though, milestone ages aren’t just a time to look in the mirror and dread another wrinkle. Most people use them to take a long hard look at their health.

Outside of building on campus
July 22, 2015

For the Spurs It's All About Human Resources

Alvarez College of Business
It’s hard to look at the Spurs’ locker room as any old office, but just as the team’s higher-ups rightly look at the franchise as a business, the players themselves follow the same general concepts of office living.

Julian Acosta
July 21, 2015

Business Alumnus Is Founder of Capital City Records

Alvarez College of Business
Meet Julian Acosta ‘12. He started out studying music in his hometown of Querétaro, Mexico, but transferred to UTSA in 2010 to study business. Since then, he’s founded Austin-based music label Capitol City Records, which was named a top-10 label at the SXSW Music Awards.

Matthew McCarter
July 7, 2015

Management Researcher Finds Choice Motivates Employees

Alvarez College of Business
It seems to be the questions managers are often pondering: How do you keep employees motivated? How do you keep them happy? How do you get them to work harder?

African Entrepreneurs in front of "Greetings from Austin" sign.
June 19, 2015

Business Faculty Member Helping Young African Leaders Become Entrepreneurs

Alvarez College of Business
On June 17, 25 young leaders from nearly two dozen different African nations arrived at UT-Austin to make their hopes and dreams for their countries a reality. Anita Leffel, senior lecturer in UTSA’s Department of Management and director of Entrepreneurship Programs in the College of Business, will show them how.

Hamid Beladi (left) and Nicole-Beebe (right)
June 17, 2015

Two Business Faculty Members Receive Endowed Professorships

Alvarez College of Business
Two College of Business faculty members have recently been appointed to endowed professorships.

Robert Cardy
June 12, 2015

Business Researcher Looks at Lying and Likability in HR Decisions

Alvarez College of Business
For the every day employment-seeker, a job interview can be terrifying. But who knew that the people doing the hiring also have something to fear?

Robert Cardy
June 8, 2015

Robert Cardy Named Chair of the Department of Management

Alvarez College of Business
Robert Cardy, professor of management, has been named chair of the Department of Management. He replaces outgoing chair Stewart Miller, who had served as chair since 2013.

Hany Marie standing next to a Porsche.
June 3, 2015

Marketing Alumnus in the Driving Seat at Porsche

Alvarez College of Business
Hany Marie, MBA ’04, is a proud Roadrunner. At UTSA Marie received the necessary foundation to become successful in his marketing career. Now, he leads the marketing team at the Porsche Center in Kuwait.

Dempsey Thornton
June 1, 2015

Dempsey Thornton's Sports, Event and Tourism Management Degree Has Set Her Up for Success

Alvarez College of Business
With the same passion and energy that she showed on the court, UTSA women’s volleyball player Dempsey Thornton was driven academically as well. Majoring in sport, event and tourism management, Thornton graduated from UTSA last fall.

Baby wearing a purple gel shield.
May 27, 2015

MBA Student's Invention Receives FDA Approval

Alvarez College of Business
Daniel Mendez ‘10, MBA ’14 was having a casual chat with friends one evening when one of them, a neonatal nurse, mentioned something about her workplace: Part of her routine was rotating the heads of newborns to keep their soft skulls from becoming deformed.

Outside of building on campus
May 18, 2015

Business Faculty Members Receive Research Grants

Alvarez College of Business
Seven College of Business faculty members were among 20 UTSA faculty members selected to receive research funding through the UTSA Office of Research INTernal Research Awards (INTRA) program.

Class photo of EMBA 17
May 7, 2015

College Graduates 17th EMBA Class

Alvarez College of Business
The 17th UTSA Executive MBA class will graduate this weekend. The Executive MBA program began in 1997 and is a comprehensive 21-month lockstep MBA program designed for experienced managers, professionals and rising leaders.

Angeline Mathew
May 6, 2015

Angeline Mathew Breaks Stereotypes and Heads to Wall Street

Alvarez College of Business
Angeline Mathew doesn’t fit into a mold, she breaks them. A native of Dubai, Mathew moved to San Antonio with her family when she was 12 and graduated from Health Careers High School.

Timothy Breidenbach
May 6, 2015

Investment Society Leads Timothy Breidenbach to Goldman Sachs

Alvarez College of Business
As a child Timothy Breidenbach dreamed about being the guy dressed in a business suit seated in first class on an airplane. Well, his dream could soon become a reality as he graduates this week with his undergraduate degree in finance and economics and heads to Wall Street to work at Goldman Sachs.

Stephanie Dalmau
May 5, 2015

Stephanie Dalmau Looks at Business Globally

Alvarez College of Business
International business and finance major Stephanie Dalmau will complete her UTSA journey this Sunday when she receives her BBA–graduating cum laude with international distinction and highest honor.

Edgar Ibarra
May 4, 2015

Entrepreneurship Runs In Edgar Ibarra's Blood

Alvarez College of Business
Meet Edgar Ibarra. He knows that working hard and stepping out of one’s comfort zone is the key to being successful.

Elaine Sanders being congratulated by a student after receiving her award.
May 1, 2015

Elaine Sanders Receives President's Distinguished Achievement Award for University Service

Alvarez College of Business
Elaine Sanders, associate professor of accounting in the UTSA College of Business, received the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in University Service during the 2015 University Excellence Awards Ceremony in April.

Deeksha Munjal receiving her award
April 29, 2015

Doctoral Student Wins People's Choice Award at Research Competition

Alvarez College of Business
Deeksha Munjal, a first year doctoral student in organization and management studies, won the People’s Choice award at the Ready, Set, Research Competition sponsored by the UTSA Graduate School.

Outside of building on campus
April 23, 2015

College Recognizes Retirees, Faculty and Staff at Awards Ceremony

Alvarez College of Business
The College of Business will recognize the outstanding contributions of faculty and staff members during the annual Business Awards Ceremony.

Janet Garcia
April 23, 2015

Business Student Janet Garcia Makes the Most of College Opportunities

Alvarez College of Business
Janet Garcia knows how to make the most of the opportunities that are presented to her. Garcia took control of her destiny by enrolling in the UTSA College of Business.

Speedometer with business terms
April 22, 2015

College Hosts $100K Student Technology Venture Competition April 28

Alvarez College of Business
Seven UTSA teams comprised of undergraduate business and engineering students will compete in the $100K Student Technology Venture Competition, hosted by the UTSA Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CITE).

Lisa Montoya
April 21, 2015

College Expanding Entrepreneurship Program

Alvarez College of Business
To highlight the cross-disciplinary nature of entrepreneurship, UTSA College of Business Dean Wm. Gerard Sanders has named Lisa Montoya as Associate Dean of Entrepreneurship Programs. She will also continue to serve as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the College of Business.

Dan Karam in front of #ILoveUTSA billboard.
April 20, 2015

Business Alumnus Dan Karam Issues Alumni Challenge

Alvarez College of Business
Business alumnus Dan Karam, ’97, MS ’01 loves UTSA. To share his love for his alma mater, he has challenged his fellow alumni to show their support for UTSA and their respective colleges by donating.

Students attending the San Antonio Women in Technology Symposium
April 10, 2015

UTSA Cyber Security Students Attend San Antonio Women in Technology Symposium

Alvarez College of Business
Six UTSA cyber security students from the College of Business recently expanded their networking opportunities by participating in the San Antonio University Women in Technology Symposium sponsored by the San Antonio chapter of Women in Technology.

Academy of Distinguished Researchers Logo
April 7, 2015

Hamid Beladi and John Wald Inducted Into UTSA's Academy of Distinguished Researchers

Alvarez College of Business
As part of its continuing commitment to research excellence, The University of Texas at San Antonio announces the establishment of the Academy of Distinguished Researchers.

Mike and Brigitte Perkins standing in front of the Business Building
March 24, 2015

Perkins Family Establishes Scholarship in Honor of Their Parents

Alvarez College of Business
Mike and Brigitte Perkins received a Christmas gift from their children that will last a lifetime. Their children Kimberly Stanley, ’95, Keri Saiz, ’01 and Michael Perkins, a UT-Austin alumnus, established the Mike and Brigitte Perkins Commitment to Education Endowed Scholarship in the UTSA College of Business.

Tracy Jackson receives award from Jim Groff and Gerry Sanders
March 23, 2015

Tracy Jackson Named Outstanding Accounting Alumnus

Alvarez College of Business
Tracy Jackson ’93, EMBA ’12, vice president and controller at Tesoro Corporation, was named the Outstanding Accounting Alumnus of the Year at the annual Accounting Stars luncheon this spring.

Cyber defense competition team
March 20, 2015

UTSA Wins Regional Cyber Defense Competition

Alvarez College of Business
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition team won the Southwest Regional and will advance to the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC) in partnership with Raytheon. The competition will be held at the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk April 24-26.

Jan Guynes Clark
March 6, 2015

College Mourns Loss of Retired Faculty Member Jan Clark

Alvarez College of Business
Jan Guynes Clark, a retired professor of information systems in the UTSA College of Business, passed away on March 2 at age 65. A champion of the college’s cyber security program, Clark was instrumental in leading the college’s doctoral program in information technology.

Person holding out trophy
February 23, 2015

Dean Sanders Announces Inaugural Recipients of Teaching Honor Roll

Alvarez College of Business
Twenty-nine faculty members in the UTSA College of Business have been chosen as inaugural members of the College of Business Teaching Honor Roll.

Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Talley signs Army Reserve Cyber Private Public Partnership Program agreement.
February 20, 2015

U.S. Army Reserve Taps UTSA to Create Education Pathways for Cyber Warriors

Alvarez College of Business
UTSA has been selected by the United States Army Reserve as a founding member of the Army Reserve Cyber Private Public Partnership Program (Cyber P3).

India immersion participants in front of the Taj Mahal
February 19, 2015

Business Students Participate in India Immersion Program

Alvarez College of Business
Getting out of their comfort zone, 16 UTSA business students visited India in January as part of the college’s international immersion program.

Outside of building on campus
February 19, 2015

College Showcasing National Speakers at Big Data Symposium March 17

Alvarez College of Business
Recognizing the value of big data to businesses today, the UTSA College of Business is hosting “Big Data, Big Challenges,” a daylong symposium on March 17 dedicated to sharing recent knowledge and experiences in big data within the areas of business, cyber security, healthcare and visualization.

Albert Lee in his Iron Man costume.
February 18, 2015

International Business Student Transforms Into Iron Man to Help Kids with Cancer

Alvarez College of Business
Meet Iron Man. Most know him as student Albert Lee, but when he pulls on one of the three Iron Man suits he’s custom-made, he transforms into his favorite superhero - someone looking to save the world, or at least make it a little brighter.

Kim Lubel, chairman, president and CEO of CST Brands, Inc.
February 18, 2015

Kim Lubel to Present Frost Distinguished Lecture March 26

Alvarez College of Business
Kim Lubel, chairman, president and CEO of CST Brands, Inc., will present the keynote address at the Frost Distinguished Lecture Series, presented by The University of Texas at San Antonio College of Business. The lecture begins at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 26 in the Richard S. Liu Auditorium (2.01.02) of the Business Building on the UTSA Main Campus. The event is free and open to the public.

Outside of building on campus
February 11, 2015

Women Seek Variety in Men and Consumer Products

Alvarez College of Business
New research from The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) College of Business suggests women seek more options in dating partners near ovulation — when they are most fertile — which may lead them to also seek a greater variety of products and services.

Binary code with red "password" being extracted with tweezers.
January 27, 2015

Kudla Fellowship in Information Assurance and Security Seeking Applicants

Alvarez College of Business
Current or new full-time UTSA College of Business graduate students enrolled in the Master of Science in Information Technology with a concentration in Cyber Security program are invited to apply for the prestigious Kudla Foundation Endowed Fellowship in Information Assurance and Security.

Box wrapped with money and tied with a red bow
January 26, 2015

College Awarding $200,000 in Scholarships to Business Students

Alvarez College of Business
Applications are now being accepted for UTSA College of Business scholarships. The UTSA College of Business awards over $220,000 in scholarships each year to deserving business students.