Career Compass is a comprehensive professional development program designed to provide business students with the necessary knowledge, skills and experiences needed to be competitive in today's job market.


Career Compass Logo in blue and orange


Program Basics

  • Requirement: All incoming undergraduate students starting in fall 2024 are required to participate in Career Compass. It will be optional for continuing and graduate students.
  • How it Works: Accumulate points by engaging in activities inside and outside the classroom, such as workshops, leadership roles, internships and more.
  • Customization and Tracking: Personalize your experience with activities that align with your unique career path and track your progress through the gamified Career Compass app in Suitable.

By participating in Career Compass, you'll gain the confidence, skills and experience needed to stand out from your peers and be well-prepared to enter the workforce.


Carlos Alvarez Student Success Center
Business Building, Room 2.01.08
Monday through Friday | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Male student in suit in front of UTSA Business Building

Get Started with Career Compass

Download the Suitable app to track career experiences and earn points, or use the button below for login instructions.

Why Participate?

  • Develop Marketable Skills: Build employer-valued competencies for your resume and interviews.
  • Expand Your Network: Connect with industry leaders and alumni.
  • Personalized Guidance: Receive support from the Carlos Alvarez Student Success Center to navigate your career journey.

Career Competencies

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has defined a set of career competencies that broadly prepare new college graduates for early career success and lifelong career management. ​The competencies listed are the common skills, behaviors and attributes that employers seek when hiring. Points earned in these categories count toward the Career Compass Badge and help fulfill the graduation requirement for undergraduate students entering in fall 2024 or later.

Blue icon with grad cap

Career & Self Development

Blue icon with two speech bubbles


Blue circle with brain

Critical Thinking

Blue icon with hand holding person in circle of arrows

Global Mindset

Blue icon with mountain and flag on top


Blue icon with briefcase


Blue icon with handshake


Blue icon with computer


Optional Achievements

In addition to the college's Career Compass professional development program, the Alvarez Student Success Center offers achievement programs that focus on other areas of student development. These include Alvarez Spirit, Financial Literacy, and Wellness

While points earned in these categories do not count toward the Career Compass badge or graduation requirement, they do make you eligible for prizes—some exclusive to each achievement. Once you reach 150 points in any achievement, you'll earn a digital badge to share on social media, showcasing your dedication to personal and professional growth.

Students at the Student Success Center entrance

Student Success Resources

Want to succeed at UTSA and in life? The Alvarez Student Success Center is your first stop for career resources for business students.

How to Connect

  • Attend one of their weekly workshops or events
  • Drop in to their pop-up sessions located on the second floor alcove by the McKinney Building entrance for quick 15-minute meetings
  • Need more time or have a more complicated question? Schedule a one-one-one meeting in person or online with a staff member.

Student Code of Conduct

The Alvarez College of Business is committed to developing future leaders with strong ethical standards. When using university resources, all students must uphold professional conduct and integrity, as outlined in the University’s Student Code of Conduct. For more details on student discipline and conduct, please visit the Student Conduct and Community Standards website.

Career Compass Eligible Events

View All Events




Elevator Pitch Basics

Career Compass Workshop: Elevator Pitch Basics




Career Coaching Drop In

Drop In for Career Coaching




Coffee & Career Conversations

Meet with a representative from CLA




Communicating Your Transferable Skills

Career Compass Workshop: Communicating Your Transferable Skills