Posted on November 19, 2015 by KC Gonzalez
Steven Gonzales
Consultant Software
Engineer at EMC
Leading a team of software engineers remotely for one of the largest and most respected enterprise storage companies, Steven Gonzales has quickly advanced through the ranks in the cloud computing industry.
An information systems major, Gonzales drew upon his business background to better understand how the technology he develops creates value for his company.
Plucked from Rackspace, the 35 year olds background in software engineering and DevOps infrastructure is utilized daily managing one of the largest cloud scale object-storage platforms.
What is your role at EMC?
I’ve recently transitioned from writing a lot of code to leading a team of engineers. EMC hires only the most experienced talent, so my entire team works remotely. It is difficult to get that talent in one location. A lot of what I’m doing now is strategic planning—looking ahead to what we should be doing next.
We are working to deliver more automation and more durable platforms for cloud computing. I’m engaged and passionate about what I’m doing.
What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of software engineering is that I work with leading-edge technologies at the largest scale. We build cool technologies.
What is the toughest part of your job?
Working under accelerated timelines, we are challenged constantly to come up with the best solutions for our clients. I enjoy the challenges that come with that. The key is to find the right team and lead them on a mission to build something awesome. We are trying to do things that nobody has done before.
Favorite business class
Management Strategy Capstone MGT 4893
I remember a Southwest Airlines case study from that class. Other companies were copying Southwest Airlines practices, but couldn’t get the same results. It was valuable for me to understand that the context behind the ideas—the values and culture behind the company—is what made them successful.
Spending time with his wife, Lucy, and daughter, Isabella. Tailgating at UTSA football games with friends. Coding.
Describe yourself in three words.
Competitive. Decisive. Energetic.
Why are you proud to be a Roadrunner?
I have a legacy of being a Roadrunner. My whole family has gone there, and my dad is the vice president of student affairs. It gave me a great foundation to start from.
Wendy Frost—
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