Michelle Banks
December 23, 2019

50th Anniversary Alumni: Michelle Banks, '14

Alvarez College of Business
A self-proclaimed Googler, Michelle Banks is thankful for the support she received from the UTSA College of Business that helped her land a dream job with Google.

Dave Baumgartner
December 22, 2019

50th Anniversary Alumni: Dave Baumgartner, MSIT '06

Alvarez College of Business
As a digital crime fighter, Dave Baumgartner chose to study at the UTSA College of Business because of its unique specialization in cyber security.

Ruben Mancha
December 20, 2019

50th Anniversary Alumni: Ruben Mancha, MS '05, Ph.D. '10

Alvarez College of Business
Rubén Mancha traveled almost 5,000 miles from the Canary Islands to continue his education at UTSA. He came as part of a certificate exchange program and stayed to finish his master’s degree in the management of technology. He returned to UTSA to pursue a Ph.D. in information technology.

Wall Street bull
December 19, 2019

Roadrunners on Wall Street

Alvarez College of Business
Although it technically only comprises eight blocks in lower Manhattan, Wall Street is the heart of the financial industry. For finance students, it is an elusive goal to earn a spot working with one of these prestigious financial firms.

Cheryl Garcia
December 18, 2019

50th Anniversary Alumni: Cheryl Garcia, '85, EMBA '99

Alvarez College of Business
Utilizing her entrepreneurial mindset, Cheryl Garcia embarked on a journey with 17 other students as part of the college’s first Executive MBA cohort.

Julieta Nelson
December 13, 2019

Julieta Nelson Joins Consulting Giant Accenture in New York City

Alvarez College of Business
Viewing life as an adventure Julieta Nelson has been on an extraordinary journey during her time in the UTSA College of Business. She graduates this month with a bachelor’s degree in finance and a new career as a consulting analyst in New York City with Accenture, a global Fortune 500 company.

Ryan Dittmer
December 13, 2019

Major Ryan Dittmer Finds Career Path in MBA Program

Alvarez College of Business
Recognizing that his 10-year career in the Army had transitioned from a combat to business focus, Major Ryan Dittmer enrolled full-time in the UTSA College of Business MBA program utilizing the Army’s advanced civil schooling program.

Natalie Torresdey
December 12, 2019

Graduate Natalie Torresdey Taking on the World of Banking

Alvarez College of Business
Natalie Torresdey is known for giving back to her community, being an excellent student and having a drive for success. Graduating this fall from the UTSA College of Business with honors and a bachelor’s degree in finance, she is ready to take on the world of banking.

Carolina Cruz
December 11, 2019

Graduate Carolina Cruz Begins Career with Eli Lilly

Alvarez College of Business
Taking her first step on the career ladder, Carolina Cruz graduates this month with a bachelor of business administration degree in economics from the UTSA College of Business. Following an internship this summer with Eli Lilly, she received a full-time offer as a sales representative where she will visit and consult with doctors about medications available for their patients.