Posted on May 12, 2023 by Wendy Frost

Data visualization and analysis aren’t typically areas of strength for many - if not most - local nonprofit organizations.

Data analytics graphicThey know the benefits from being in the know on this front but, facing perennial staffing and budgeting challenges, it’s an investment they haven’t been able to consider.

Now, thanks to a new and unprecedented partnership between the San Antonio Area Foundation and the University of Texas at San Antonio Carlos Alvarez College of Business, that’s all about to change.

“We’re so excited to be partnering with UTSA in continuing to move the needle forward on educating and strengthening nonprofits,” said Jessica Lombard, director of learning & development at the Area Foundation.

The virtual 15-hour Data & Innovation Management 101 For Nonprofits certification program launches May 31 and includes in-depth instruction on topics such as data analytics, cybersecurity and innovation methodology. Courses will be taught by faculty at the UTSA Alvarez College of Business under the coordination of Kathryn Keeton, senior executive director at the college’s Center for Professional Excellence.

“Our goal is to deliver real and relevant technical training,” said Keeton. “We want participants to walk away with a framework to help them make better decisions for their nonprofit organizations that will have an immediate impact.”

That framework will include a working knowledge of critical data analysis techniques, basic understanding of big data concepts, technologies and platforms, knowing how to safeguard data, learning how to use data visualization to tell the organization’s story and feeling confident tackling technological innovation.

Participants completing the program will receive certificates and digital badges from UTSA. There are no specific prerequisites, but they should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel as well as access to two computer monitors.

See program details as well as enrollment options. Watch the informational video.

–Hernán Rozemberg

About the San Antonio Area Foundation:
The San Antonio Area Foundation (SAAFdn) has served as the city’s community-giving headquarters for nearly 60 years, growing to become one of the top 20 community foundations in the nation. The Area Foundation helps donors achieve their charitable goals supporting our community’s greatest needs, managing more than 500 charitable funds nearly $1 billion in assets.

— Wendy Frost