Steven Gonzales
November 19, 2015

Alumnus Steven Gonzales Is a Leader in Cloud Computing

Alvarez College of Business
Steven Gonzales leads a team of software engineers remotely for a top enterprise storage company, quickly advancing in the cloud computing industry.

Outside of building on campus
November 19, 2015

Faculty Member Max Kilger Presents NATO Course on Cyber Terrorism

Alvarez College of Business
The recent tragic events in Paris have underscored the need for international cooperation in the struggle to deal with terrorism throughout the world. Just this month Max Kilger, senior lecturer in cyber security and marketing, traveled to Turkey with an international team to conduct NATO training on cyber terrorism.

Student leaders Zack Dunn and Ileana Gonzalez
November 18, 2015

Business Students Leading UTSA Student Government

Alvarez College of Business
According to business guru Peter Drucker, management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

Professional pondering implications of Big Data
November 18, 2015

College of Business Launches New Big Data Program

Alvarez College of Business
Big Data refers to data sets that are so large and complex that traditional information technology and analytical techniques are inadequate. Researchers use characteristics like the three “Vs” to describe the data created by this phenomenon: volume (amount of data), velocity (speed of information retrieval and processing) and variety (types of data).