Posted on October 18, 2024 by Rebekah Alegria
Ashwin Malshe, associate professor of marketing
This chasm, pivotal in its ability to dictate corporate success or failure, is where Carlos Alvarez College of Business Associate Professor of Marketing Ashwin Malshe has directed his scholarly focus for his most recent study, “Is Your Company As Strategically Aligned As You Think It Is?”
Malshe’s research, which appeared in the Harvard Business Review, reveals startling gaps in perceived and actual strategic alignment within organizations. His findings show that strategic consensus can sometimes be as low as 30% within organizations. This gap is not just a minor oversight, but a critical fault line that can undermine corporate objectives and dilute managerial efforts.
“Executives are often confident that they are on the same page as their employees,” Malshe shared, “but when you delve deeper, their understandings are starkly different. “Our analysis revealed that employees at all levels often hold divergent views of strategic goals, which not only complicates execution but can also erode trust within the organization.”
His research found that ways to create greater corporate coherence included more frequent strategic reviews and open channels of communication. “The challenge is to maintain this alignment continuously, not just during annual reviews. It’s about keeping strategic goals in the daily conversation,” Malshe emphasized, underscoring the need for ongoing, dynamic dialogue within firms.
Further elaborating on strategies for improvement, Malshe suggests implementing structured communication channels that facilitate clearer dissemination of strategic goals. He highlights the importance of codifying strategic objectives and making them accessible to all employees, not just top management.
“These strategies ensure that every team member is not only aware of the strategic goals but is also actively engaged in achieving them.” Malshe’s journey from an electronics engineer to a marketing strategist is a testament to his interdisciplinary approach to education and problem-solving.
Since joining UTSA in 2016, his research reflects a deep commitment to understanding the nuances of marketing’s impact on financial outcomes. “The key challenge is to measure the return on investment in marketing,” Malshe stated, highlighting the complex, often convoluted data paths that businesses must navigate to gauge their strategic efforts effectively.
As he mentors the next generation of marketers and business strategists, Malshe emphasizes the importance of business leaders remaining curious and adaptable as they navigate today’s business landscape complexities.