Posted on December 4, 2023 by Rebekah Alegria

Juan Carlos Gallegos will graduate with a degree in finance from the Carlos Alvarez College of Business this fall, following the footsteps of his older brother who inspired him to attend UTSA.

Juan Carlos Gallegos in front of the UTSA Sombrilla Plaza

Originally from Laredo, Gallegos moved to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico at the age of 3 and later moved back to the states at the age of 17. With an interest in stocks, investing and all things corporate from a young age, the graduating senior was drawn to the field of finance. Hearing high reviews of the college's finance program, faculty member Ron Sweet and the Investment Society, Gallegos transferred from his previous university to attend the Alvarez College of Business, a decision he claims as the best he has made for his career.

During your time at UTSA, what organizations have you been involved with? 

 I have been involved with Voices, the Investment Society and the Business Student Council here at the Alvarez College of Business. The biggest experience was the Investment Society. I was part of the board for one year and served as a teacher for one semester. I was selected to travel with a group of students to Costa Rica and had the opportunity to learn about the economy of the country. 

Why did you choose to major in finance at the Carlos Alvarez College of Business?  

My brother was studying finance at UTSA. He always talked about how much he was learning from Professor Sweet and the Investment Society. I wanted that for myself since I wanted to work in banking. I began taking classes with Professor Sweet, ran for a position in the Investment Society and learn a lot.  

Do you have any professional work experience or internships you have taken part in? 

I interned with Kershner Trading Group as a research intern, at the IRS as an extraction intern, at Wells Fargo as a finance intern and at JP Morgan as a syndicated finance analyst.  

What have been some of your proudest accomplishments at UTSA? 

One of my proudest accomplishments was winning the Sergio Silva Scholarship award, which is awarded to the best Investment Society member.  

What is your favorite thing about being a Roadrunner? What will you miss? 

I will miss the people I met here, the constant celebration of the Hispanic culture and meeting incredible professors like Professor Sweet and Professor Toohey.  

What are your plans upon graduating from UTSA this fall? 

I will move to Houston and will begin working for JP Morgan as a syndicated finance analyst.  

What advice do you have for current business students? 

I would advise students to try their best to get the highest possible GPA you can get. Do at least two internships so you can really identify your career interests. Lastly, truly learn and understand the classes/topics related to the job you want to get in the future. All of these tips will help you get your dream job. 

Final words

For finance students, take classes with Professor Sweet, join the Investment Society and do things that will give you an edge in interviews and during your internship.

— Rebekah Alegria