Posted on October 11, 2023 by Rebekah Alegria

Meet Jeff Miller, an undergraduate student from Katy, Texas earning a B.B.A. degree in Information Systems and Cyber Security at the Carlos Alvarez College of Business!

Jeff Miller in a cyber lab Expected Graduation: Fall 2024

Favorite class, professor, or topic you’ve learned about this year?

It’s a close tie between Application Development with Terri Davis and Database Management for Information Systems with Michael MacLeod. I find their firsthand experiences and stories from their time working in the field of information technology fascinating, and they make me very enthusiastic about my studies and future career.

What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?

I’m very fortunate that my personal interests and hobbies are closely aligned with what I am studying here at UTSA in cyber security and information systems. I am huge into all things technology and like to contribute to as many open-source projects on GitHub as I can. I am a big reader and mainly read and research literature related to what I am working on in my research lab or studying in my classes.

What is the most memorable experience you have had at UTSA so far?

One of my fondest memories throughout my college experience so far was the time I spent working as a Peer Mentor for the First Year Experience Program. It was truly an honor being able to contribute to the educational journey of incoming students, supporting and familiarizing them with the numerous resources that UTSA has to offer.

What challenges have you faced in your academic journey, and how did you overcome them?

Prior to my academic journey here at UTSA, I never considered myself to be a great student, and I was nervous about how I would do in higher education. I credit a lot of my academic success to the resources that were provided to me here as a student. The assistance I received from academic advisors, the Career Center, Student Success Coaching and the numerous events and workshops that are hosted throughout the semester played a fundamental role in my professional and academic development. Leveraging these resources taught me invaluable skills that helped me achieve academic excellence and maintain a high GPA that I am very proud of.

Do you have any previous internships or upcoming job offers you are proud of?

I recently began my role as an undergraduate research assistant in an IoT (internet of Things) Vulnerability Analysis research lab, led by Research Scientist Oren Upton here at UTSA. It has been a tremendous privilege being able to participate in research at a university that has received the Carnegie R1 designation, putting it in the top 4% of research universities in the nation. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work alongside such talented and knowledgeable peers, who I continue to learn and grow from on a daily basis.

What do you hope to achieve in your future career?

I am confident that my experience here as a student has provided be with a strong foundation for my future career. The skills I have acquired in effective communication, teamwork, technical expertise and overall professional development have equipped me to be a valuable and collaborative contributor in my future endeavors. I aspire to make meaningful contributions in the field of cyber security and/or information systems, continuously expanding my knowledge and expertise to achieve excellence in whatever comes next after graduation.

— Rebekah Alegria