Posted on July 28, 2023 by Rebekah Alegria

Meet Emmanuel Collingwood, an undergraduate finance student minoring in economics at the Carlos Alvarez College of Business.
Emmanuel Collingwood on the Washington, D.C. Trek.

Expected Graduation: December 2024

Favorite class, professor, or topic you’ve learned about?

My favorite class has been the GBA business ethics class because I love philosophy. My favorite professor has been Professor Patrick Lee. I took Honors Accounting I with him.

What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?

Outside of school, my No. 1 hobby is cooking. Most of my meals are home-cooked, and I run a food account on Instagram.

What is the most memorable experience you have had at UTSA?

My most memorable experience has been the Global Business Treks to San Francisco and Washington, D.C. hosted by the Alvarez College of Business Student Success Center.

What challenges have you faced in your academic journey, and how did you overcome them?

A major challenge I’ve faced in my academic journey is deciding what career path was right for me. I started as a political science major before switching to finance in my sophomore year. I overcame this challenge by actively looking for experience in the fields I was interested in through internships to decide if the job was a good fit.

Emmanuel Collingwood posing next to the USAA intern welcome sign.

Do you have any previous internships or upcoming job offers you are proud of?

This summer, I’m interning with USAA as a financial analyst, and I’m grateful to be learning finance at such an amazing company. I’m looking forward to potential internships on Capitol Hill in the House of Representatives. Another internship interest is in other sectors of finance.

What do you hope to achieve in your future career?

As far as where I see my career going, I plan on working in the finance sector after my undergraduate degree while working on a master’s degree in data analytics. I hope to utilize my education to start a company one day and put my ideas into action.

— Rebekah Alegria