Posted on March 16, 2023 by Rebekah Alegria

Meet Brittani Rasmussen , an undergraduate operations and supply chain management student at the Carlos Alvarez College of Business!

Brittani Rasmussen

Expected Graduation: 2023

Favorite class, professor or topic you’ve learned about this year?

Currently, project management has been the most involved class of the semester. It takes a lot of foundational concepts to build out a comprehensive project. I love seeing all the blocks drop into place to build a whole sculpture.

What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?

With spring quickly approaching, most of my free time is spent outdoors in my garden. This year I want to tackle vertical growing with some garden peas and cantaloupe. It’s a hobby that presents continual learning and experimentation opportunities, so it never loses its attraction and excitement. South Texas presents the most challenges–those Texas summers are plant killers–I’ve had compared to some other areas I’ve lived in. The greater the challenge, the greater the reward.

What is the most memorable experience you have had at UTSA?

Reflecting on my time at UTSA, the moment that shines the brightest is the first successful meeting for the Association of Supply Chain Management at UTSA. Taking the ghost of an organization and getting it up and running again was a feat unto itself. With just four of us already three weeks into the semester and no clue how to revive an RSO, it was a credit to our perseverance and tenacity that we got the wheels turning. I am grateful for my three peers, Vern Teichroeb and Kefeng Xu, for going all in. We went from being unsure that anyone would show up to 40+ students attending our first-ever event. It was the kind of reward that blindsides you but makes all the struggles worth it.

What challenges have you faced in your academic journey and how did you overcome them?

Being a non-traditional student and returning to college years later, the learning curve was intimidating. New technology, everything being online and not having the same student mindset. I am forever grateful that I had professors who are accessible and teach in an easy-to-digest fashion; tutors who take the time to explain topics until they make sense; and kind fellow students who are quick to show you tips and tricks.

Do you have any previous/upcoming internships/job offers you are proud of?

This past summer I had the privilege of interning with Valero’s Commercial Supply & Trading department as an analyst. As a Fortune 50, the experience, knowledge and mentorship I gained from their program was priceless.

What do you hope to achieve in your future career?

Looking to the future, I hope to continue my education in UTSA’s MBA program. I hope to be able to use my own experiences and journey to motivate others. I want to reinforce that there’s no one path to being successful. You can change your own story at any age. Professionally, I hope to join a company that encourages professional and personal growth, is socially and environmentally responsible and has strong community involvement.

— Rebekah Alegria