Posted on December 8, 2022 by Rebekah Alegria

Katie Celaya, ’21 has always had a special place in her heart for San Antonio. Frequenting the 210 for family vacations, Celaya knew that someday she would attend UTSA and live here.

Katie CelayaWhen the Midland native first arrived in San Antonio for her undergraduate degree, she knew no one. But when Celaya crosses the stage next week to receive her Master of Accountancy (MACY) degree she’ll have a community of friends and fellow Roadrunners cheering her on.

During your time at UTSA, what organizations have you been involved with?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was a part of the Honors Alliance. Though my experiences with the organization were online because of the pandemic, I was able to attend many virtual events that were held and enjoyed all of them. I do wish I could have experienced them in person.

Why did you choose to get your B . B . A . and later your Master of Accountancy at the Carlos Alvarez College of Business?

I originally came in as a cyber security major, surprisingly enough. During my first semester in business school, I had to take Principles of Accounting as a required business course and realized I both enjoyed the class and was naturally good at accounting. So, I switched my major to accounting and was passionate about the practice enough to now be graduating with my MACY.

Do you have any professional work experience or internships you have participated in?

I had the opportunity to intern with a locally–owned seafood restaurant, Smashin’ Crab, in September 2020. I was lucky enough to land a full-time position with the company in December of that same year, and I have been there ever since!

After graduation, I will continue working as the staff accountant for the Smashin’ Crab while also preparing to take the CPA exam.

What have been some of your proudest accomplishments at UTSA? Katie Celaya in UTSA shirt

I am extremely proud of the fact that I graduated with my B.B.A. in Accounting in 2021 with honors, and in 2022 I will be graduating with my master’s degree. Completing two degrees in just 4.5 years is something I never thought I would be able to do. Growing to be more of an outgoing person was also a big deal to me.

What is your favorite thing about being a Roadrunner? What will you miss?

My favorite thing about being a Roadrunner is how welcoming everybody is. I came to San Antonio knowing no one. It was a scary thing to have to start my life in a new place. But now, I have met some of my best friends here, and I cannot imagine life without them.

I will simply miss the feeling of being on campus. It has a certain energy to it. Being on campus with friends is something I will cherish forever.

What advice do you have for current business students and incoming freshmen?

Reach out to other people! I didn’t really start doing this until my second year, and I wish I had done it sooner. Once I finally got the courage to reach out to people, I made friends who I still hang out with regularly to this day.

— Rebekah Alegria