Posted on October 24, 2021 by Wendy Frost

Cyber security major Harrison Louis values the practical experience that he has gained from lab work in his classes as well as his professional experience with Advanced Micro Devices.

Harrison LouisTaking classroom concepts and implementing those skills in real-life projects is instrumental in his learning. Harrison encourages students to follow their passions by committing fully to their studies.

What have you learned most from your program of study so far?
The labs I have done in various classes have done wonders in connecting concepts I’ve learned through lectures and reading to how they’re actually implemented in practice.

Any organizations or activities that you’ve been involved with in the COB or at UTSA?
Pi Kappa Phi

What are you watching, reading or listening to right now?
I’m reading Mastery by Robert Greene.

Professional work experience or internships that you’ve participated in?
5 terms with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)’s Enterprise Information Security Team

What advice would you give to other business Roadrunners?
Being young is the time to really dive into something you’re passionate about and learn as much as you can. Relentlessly cut out the things that take time away from learning about the things you want to master, whether it’s for a career or just a hobby. Throwing yourself into something you’re passionate about is one of the most admirable traits a person can have, and you will command respect for it from both your peers and superiors.

— Wendy Frost