Posted on April 9, 2021 by Wendy Frost

Building a sense of community at UTSA, accounting major Raneen Aljamal is a member of the Muslim Student Association and the Debate Team.

Raneen AljamalAdjusting to the online environment was a struggle for her at first due to her learning disability, but she has learned how to succeed in her studies. Raneen is currently interning as a tax associate at Kruppa Nelson & Kovner.

Favorite class
My favorite class would have to be Microeconomics. I loved learning the “behind the scenes” of how individuals/companies make decisions regarding managing their resources. I was pushed to think outside the box, but I loved the challenge. I can confidently say I learned skills in that class that can benefit me in my future career path.

Favorite professor
My favorite professor is Long Liu. The way he teaches shows that he truly cares for what he is presenting to his students, and he wants us all to succeed in our fields. He made the difficult easy for me and inspired me to be the best version of myself.

How has COVID affected your studies or you personally this semester?
COVID has affected me with my studies. It was hard for me to adjust to the online environment since I struggled with a learning disability. However, it showed me that I am capable of fighting against my struggles and disability and succeeding in my studies.

What have you learned most from your program of study thus far?
It is hard to pinpoint what I have learned most from my program of study because we are constantly learning new things. When it comes to accounting, specifically tax-related accounting, the status quo is constantly changing. Thus, we are constantly learning something new and adapting to it. Overall, I would have to say I learned about the “world of tax.” When we hear the word “taxes,” it often comes with a negative connotation. However, I learned the ins and outs, and I can use this in my future.

Any organizations or activities that you’ve been involved with in the COB or at UTSA?
I’ve been involved in UTSA’s Muslim Student Association since I was a freshman, and I’m a part of the UTSA Debate Team.

What are you watching, reading or listening to right now?
I am currently reading How To Succeed in Life: Ideas and Principles They Don’t Teach In School. In high school, I was involved with Student Council, an athlete and student ambassador so I was always in the spotlight. When transitioning to college I struggled with being in the shadows. However, I stumbled across this book, and it has changed the way I view life. I recommend it to all!

Professional work experience or internships that you’ve participated in?
In my current position, I intern with Kruppa Nelson & Kovner as a tax associate. Before this position, I interned with a company in Austin, called Suriki Tech, as a data analyst. Both these experiences have taught me the skills needed to succeed in my career. I look forward to a future with Kruppa Nelson & Kovner.

What are your future career plans?
My future career plans involve going to graduate school and getting my CPA. The end goal is to open up my own private CPA firm.

— Wendy Frost