Posted on October 19, 2020 by Wendy Frost

The UTSA College of Business Cyber Range recently made a partnership with the state of North Dakota to provide training and workshops for their cybersecurity team.

UTSA Cyber Range“North Dakota plans on using the UTSA Cyber Range in a variety of ways to facilitate training as well as team assessment,” said Joe Mallen, director of the UTSA Cyber Range. “The UTSA Cyber Range is capable of providing technical cybersecurity training, tabletop exercises and real-life attack scenarios within a virtual environment.”

“Cybersecurity is a priority for North Dakota, from our unified, statewide approach to protecting our systems and data, to our focus on developing the next generation of cybersecurity professionals,” said Chief Information Security Officer Kevin Ford. “The UTSA Cyber Range is an outstanding addition to our real-world training scenarios, and we are excited to have this new capability.”

Created in partnership with Cyber Range Solutions Inc., the UTSA Cyber Range can provide businesses, governmental organizations, military units and individuals with a hyper-realistic environment to hone their cybersecurity skills against real-world attack scenarios and to test incident response plans.

“Knowing that the range can reach outside San Antonio has opened the doors to other business opportunities for us,” said Mallen. “We wouldn’t have explored that possibility prior to Covid.”

The UTSA Cyber Range offers online training programs that range from three-hour sessions to those spanning the course of several days. They can also provide customized experiences for employers.

— Wendy Frost