Posted on September 21, 2020 by Wendy Frost

The UTSA College of Business Department of Finance received a $50,000 gift from Vittal Kadapakkam in support of faculty research with Ph.D. students. The gift will establish the Kadapakkam Chenthamarai Finance Research Excellence Fund.

K. ChenthamaraiKadapakkam is the son of UTSA Frost Chair of Finance Palani-Rajan Kadapakkam. The fund, in honor of the donor’s grandfather, will elevate the Department of Finance by offering additional support for faculty who co-author papers with finance Ph.D. students in some of the most prestigious academic journals in the area of finance.

“Growing up in San Antonio, I am keenly aware of the strong connection between UTSA’s reputation and the economic development of the city,” said Vittal Kadapakkam. “I thought it would be fitting to honor my grandfather by supporting academic excellence.”

The fund honors the memory of Vittal Kadapakkam’s grandfather, Kadapakkam Chenthamarai, who served with distinction as a top police official in the state of Tamil Nadu, India and was a recipient of the President’s Police Medal.

“He himself was a first-generation college graduate, and he ardently believed in the transformative power of education,” said Vittal Kadapakkam. “He inspired many individuals to pursue excellence passionately in their education and careers.”

“We are grateful for this contribution,” said Karan Bhanot, chair of the Department of Finance. “Doctoral students learn the ropes of the research process, how to write a paper and the eventual publication process by partnering with experienced faculty. This gift incentivizes faculty to go the extra mile while mentoring our budding scholars.”

The gift establishes the Finance Guiding Star Award in the UTSA Department of Finance. Award funding will be available beginning this semester.


— Wendy Frost