Posted on July 1, 2020 by Wendy Frost

The UTSA College of Business is offering a new graduate certificate in cyber security. This 12-hour certificate program is designed to give non-cyber professionals the knowledge and technical skills needed to deal with cyber security issues that impact a wide variety of fields.

White lock with "Security" below and binary code in background.Offered by the college’s Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security, this certificate will provide a common framework for understanding cyber security, as well as allow for specialization in specific areas such as law, policy, analysis, response, etc.

“Cyber security impacts society and businesses across a variety of disciplines,” said Nicole Beebe, chair of the Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security. “Given our national reputation in this field, the UTSA College of Business offers prospective students a high-quality introduction to topics that are vital in this industry.”

All students will complete a course in telecommunications, and then select three electives from classes in information assurance and security, intrusion detection and incident response, cyber law, information assurance policy, web application security, digital forensic analysis and industrial control system security.

The certificate program is open to current UTSA graduate students, alumni and business community members. “The certificate is specifically designed for non-cyber majors and people without a cyber background. We are seeking to help professionals in other fields better navigate the cyber implications of their particular field,” said Beebe.

The College of Business offers seven graduate certificate programs designed to increase a student’s marketability across a variety of fields; these include Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Intelligence Studies, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Real Estate Finance and Development, & Technology Entrepreneurship and Management. For working professionals, certificate programs allow individuals to receive specialized training in a timely manner—which could fast-track career aspirations.

Featuring a streamlined application process, the deadline to apply for this certificate program for Fall 2020 is August 15. For more information contact or visit the UTSA Cyber Security Graduate Certificate webpage.

— Wendy Frost