Posted on July 12, 2019 by Wendy Frost

Twenty of UTSA’s top business students were selected by the College of Business Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) to attend The Institute, a week-long leadership program offered in Boston and Champaign, Illinois this summer.
Leadershape participants posing on stairs.

The Institute is sponsored by LeaderShape, an independent nonprofit organization with a mission to transform the world by increasing the number of people who lead with integrity and a healthy disregard for the impossible.

“LeaderShape is an outstanding leadership development program that distinguishes itself through its ability to reveal the leadership potential in everyone,” said Aimee Laun, director of the CSPD. “LeaderShape challenges participants physically, emotionally and intellectually, while simultaneously providing the resources they need to be effective leaders.”

College of Business participants included Celeste Amaro, Jack Ayoub, Dylan Delgado, Elba Figueroa, Anthony Hernandez, Alexandre Huggler, Gilbert Inman, Floresthela Lemus, Sara Maherali, Taylor Martin, Alexis Mojica, Luis Mota, Pedro Ochoa, Ayotomiwa Ogunye, Abigail Oslin, Yaksh Patel, Cynthia Reyna, William Smith, Tommy Thai and Cynthia Vela.

“When I think about what I want to do in life, I often resort to ideas about self-preservation and think in terms of only benefiting myself,” said Tommy Thai, a junior majoring in management. “But, leadership is so much more than that. It is about having a vision that not only serves yourself but also the overall community and society.”

During the six-day Institute, students worked with an interconnected curriculum that focused on teaching leadership through a lens of personal values and integrity. They also collaborated with students from universities across the country.

“The week is intended to produce a breakthrough in the leadership capacity of participants—benefitting them individually and their respective communities and the organizations they will go on to lead in the future,” said Erica Clark, assistant director of internships in the CSPD. “My challenge to them was to take what they have learned back to UTSA to help motivate and lead our business Roadrunners!”

“Students develop their own vision statements for how they each want to impact the world through their work in business. After writing their vision statements they learn to explain why their vision will make a difference,” Laun said.

Founded in 1986, LeaderShape partners with more than 100 universities and organizations affiliated with higher education. More than 55,000 college students have completed leadership training at the Institute since its founding.

— Wendy Frost