Posted on April 19, 2019 by Wendy Frost

Three College of Business faculty members were named recipients of the UTSA 2019 President’s Distinguished Achievement Awards.

Teaching Excellence

President Eighmy presenting Karen Williams with her award.

Karen Williams, professor in practice in the Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security, received the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence.

Williams was recognized for her ability as an educator to thrive in a variety of learning environments ranging from small honors courses to large lectures, undergraduate to graduate courses and traditional to online courses.

“In her 25 plus years of teaching she has done it all,” said David Dampier, chair of the Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security. “She has nearly taught every information systems class on the books. She is the textbook definition of a good teaching professor.”

She instills in her students the same lifelong pursuit of learning she herself engages in. And, the students have rewarded her acumen as well. She has been voted Favorite Professor in her department for six of the last seven years.

University Service

President Eighmy presenting Max Kilger with his award.

The President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for University Service was awarded to Max Kilger, associate professor in practice and director of the M.S. Data Analytics program.

Since joining UTSA in 2016, Kilger has launched not only the college’s Master of Science in Data Analytics program, but also established the Critical Technology Studies program.

In support of these programs he has built external networks with companies including USAA, AT&T, Harland Clarke, Southwest Research Institute and Rackspace.

“Dr. Kilger’s service record seems to far outpace most tenure-track faculty that I know, and he is able to accomplish this teaching four classes each semester,” said Suman Basuroy, chair of the Department of Marketing. “He has distinguished himself by his service to UTSA, the community and his discipline.”

Community Engagement

President Eighmy presenting David Bojanic with his award.

David Bojanic, the Anheuser-Busch Foundation Professor in Tourism Management, was the recipient of the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Community Engagement.

Bojanic, who has taught at UTSA for 12 years, incorporates real world projects into his Destination Marketing, Event Management and Sports Marketing classes.

“Dr. Bojanic’s efforts connect himself and his students to the San Antonio community” said Basuroy.  “This is a win-win situation for our business students, UTSA and the San Antonio community.”

And, he has worked personally on a number of community projects for ArtPace, the NCAA Final Four, Haven for Hope and the LBJ golf course.  In addition he brings numerous guests speakers into his classroom to assist students with internship and career opportunities.

For nearly 30 years, the President’s Distinguished Achievement Awards have recognized UTSA faculty members for their outstanding contributions in teaching, research and service.

— Wendy Frost