Posted on August 21, 2018 by Joanna Carver

Jonathan Clark, associate professor of management, has been named the new chair of the UTSA College of Business Department of Management. He will serve a three-year term.

Jonathan Clark“I thank Jonathan for his willingness to serve in this important capacity,” said Wm. Gerard Sanders, dean and Bodenstedt Chair of the UTSA College of Business. “His leadership will help raise the profile of the department.”

Joining the UTSA faculty in 2015 after spending five years on the faculty at Penn State University, Clark’s research and teaching interests are in strategic management. To date, his work has addressed issues broadly related to strategic leadership, organization design and organization learning, with a special emphasis on how these issues play out in the healthcare industry.

“I’m humbled by this opportunity,” said Clark. “I have the privilege of working with world-class faculty and colleagues. In any organization, your most important resource is your people, and we have great people in the Department of Management.”

His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Health Affairs, Health Care Management Review and Leadership Quarterly.

Clark holds a Ph.D. in health policy/management from Harvard Business School and a master’s from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Wendy Frost—
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— Joanna Carver