Posted on June 21, 2018 by Joanna Carver
“Developed as part of CPE’s new Leadership Institute, we are very excited about our range of workshops, boot camps, certificate and signature programs,” said Kathryn Keeton, associate director of executive programs in the UTSA College of Business.
Taught by the best faculty in the College of Business, the programs are flexible in course length and delivery method. Programs range from three-hour workshops to 12-month certificate programs.
“This unique approach allows participants to customize their learning experience and diversify the courses they want to take–empowering them to navigate their own professional development,” said Keeton.
Attuned to emerging business trends, they will offer a Cryptocurrency and Blockchain workshop on August 24. The full-day session will allow participants to hear from local experts in the San Antonio community about how they have successfully incorporated this technology into their organizations. Both CPA and UTSA Continuing Education Units are available to participants.
The 12-month Leadership Institute includes nine core foundational workshops and three customized courses. Aspiring leaders will develop and enhance core skills that are fundamental to organizational success. They will also receive personalized executive coaching sessions.
The Leadership Institute kicks off August 16 with coursework beginning the first week of September.
For more information about executive education programming, visit our website.
Melissa Lackey–
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