Posted on May 4, 2018 by Joanna Carver

Excelling in both athletics and academics while at UTSA, Nikki Long will graduate this May with her bachelor’s degree in economics.

Nikki Long in front of Financial Studies CenterCaptain of the women’s golf team, her team advanced this year to win their first Conference USA Championship. A Distinguished Business Student, Long will continue her studies at the USC Gould School of Law in Los Angeles next fall.

In the College of Business, Long’s favorite member was Ken Weiher, professor of economics, who she had for three classes while at UTSA. She was also a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon, president of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

“The most important thing I’ve learned from being a student in the College of Business is to get connected,” she said. “In business and life, it’s who you know. Getting plugged into student organizations and clubs not only allows for a more enjoyable college experience but can also create connections for you that will open doors in the future.”

Looking back on her years at UTSA, Long encourages business students to get involved. “You only have four or five years of college—don’t let that time pass you by. Meet people, create friendships and make memories,” said Long.

— Joanna Carver