Posted on February 20, 2017 by Joanna Carver

More than 150 UTSA business alumni and students learned how to become the chief executive officer of Me, Inc. at a series of leadership events hosted by the UTSA College of Business Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD).

Event featuring Rod ColonThe events featured Rod Colón, a career coach and motivational speaker.

Colón provided networking tips, using LinkedIn professionally and advancing one’s career.

“Manage one’s career as a business,” said Colón. “You need to know who you are before you can network with others.”

Colón encouraged the participants to leverage the power of LinkedIn to build their brand and discover new career opportunities.

“LinkedIn is my team, my go-to group,” he said. “The beauty of LinkedIn is not who you know, but who your friends know. You don’t need large numbers, just quality.”

Rod Colón closed his presentation by sharing some tips for millennials. “When competing for jobs, you want to be a little bit different. See where your uniqueness can separate you from everyone else.”

CSPD provides career preparation programs and services that give business students a competitive edge in obtaining internships and securing employment. The center is also dedicated to serving as a resource to the business community. Partnering with local, regional and national employers, the center offers specialized services to help employers recruit job candidates.

Wendy Frost—

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— Joanna Carver