Posted on January 25, 2017 by Joanna Carver

Management faculty member Matthew McCarter will travel to New Zealand this spring after receiving the prestigious Visiting Erskine Fellowship at the University of Canterbury.

Matthew McCarterThe Erskine Fellowship invites over 70 distinguished international academics in a variety of fields each year to study and teach at the university for up to three months.

“I am extremely flattered and honored to receive this fellowship,” he said. “Only one individual is chosen each year from their respective departments.”

McCarter, associate professor of management, will teach a course in Corporate Social Responsibility. “I plan to incorporate experiential learning into my classes, which will be a new approach for their students.”

He will also research social dilemmas and sustainability. “New Zealand has built a culture on maintaining a clean environment,” said McCarter. “I wanted to see how their stewardship approach to sustainability and natural resources has benefited their country.”

Wendy Frost—

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— Joanna Carver