Posted on June 3, 2016 by Joanna Carver
Jose Ignacio Zambrano
His family keeps him motivated to achieve his goals. “I always felt the need to not let my family down after all they did for me,” he said.
Zambrano participated in student organizations, developed connections with his professors and recruiters from the Big 4 accounting firms and studied abroad in China.
He is a member of the Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos Jovenes, a student organization that provides networking and professional development opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. In addition to academic excellence, Zambrano’s goals include working for Ernst & Young and developing a startup business called Candeed.
By attending professional development events, Zambrano learned that what one does outside the classroom is significant to employers. He networked with employers like Ernst & Young, and his efforts resulted in an internship offer. “Get to know corporate recruiters,” he said. “You have to know the company, and they have to like you.”
He learned valuable lessons from College of Business professors as well. His managerial accounting professor, Adrian Wong, a former chief financial officer of Coca-Cola in Mexico, taught practical applications in addition to theory. He enjoyed Elaine Sander’s Financial Accounting class because he was impressed by her dedication to ensuring that her students learn the material.
Perhaps one of Zambrano’s most inspiring goals is to use his work in business for the greater good. He would like to make a positive change with his startup, Candeed, a clothing brand that will directly help people in need. “I want it to be a big startup for UTSA and get the recognition it deserves.”
To make the most of their professional development, Zambrano suggests that students take the time to network and work together. “Your network is your net worth.”
Giselle Villalpando—
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