Posted on April 15, 2016 by Joanna Carver
Wm. Gerry Sanders
“This is an exciting time to be at UTSA,” he said. “We are in a very different place today than we were many years ago.” Sanders noted that several challenges are on the horizon including new competitors and reduced funding, but in the midst of all of this change, the College of Business will find opportunities.
“This journey that we are on is like a hike up a strenuous trail, rather than a leisurely stroll in the park,” he said. “That being said, it is rewarding and helpful to look at your surroundings–to look at where you came from.”
Sanders shared that the college’s identity is tied to being part of one of the best educational systems in the country, being one of the largest HSI’s in the country and by being a school of choice for all economic backgrounds as well as first-generation students.
“We are a community of scholars who advance the art and science of business,” Sanders said. “We have a mosaic of faculty with a variety of expertise and backgrounds. Their diversity allows you to have a fabulous education.”
Dean Sanders shared that the vision of the college includes transforming students from curious and hopeful learners into confident and career-ready professionals.
And, the college’s priorities for the coming year include enhancing opportunities for students such as increased professional development and experiential learning activities.
Sanders closed by saying that the college will need to embrace the principles of Jugaad. “We must create opportunities out of obstacles and resourcefully improvise solutions using simple means. We will be entrepreneurs, but resourceful entrepreneurs.”
Wendy Frost—
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