Posted on October 9, 2013 by Wendy Frost
Business students visited Asia, Europe and South America as part of the international immersion programs.
Seventy business students participated in six international immersion programs funded by the UTSA College of Business this summer.
These 10-day intensive immersion programs, led by faculty members, include academic presentations hosted by local universities, visits to business corporations and cultural experiences.
Before the immersion experience, students study the history, culture and socioeconomic conditions of each country. After the experience, the students complete a final project.
“The trip to Taiwan and South Korea was an amazing experience,” said Bernd Wurth, a graduate student in the management of technology program and Fulbright scholar from Germany. “The lectures and company visits gave us unique insights into the culture of both countries and first-hand impressions of how
the business works over there.”
This year’s trips featured excursions to Austria/Germany, Finland/Russia, Greece, Peru, South Korea/Taiwan and Uruguay.
“The immersion program teaches students the importance of thinking globally as business professionals,”
said Daniel Tablada, lecturer in marketing and instructor for the Peru immersion. “They realize the opportunities that exist internationally, especially in the emerging markets.”
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