Posted on May 2, 2013 by Wendy Frost
Leto Solutions team photo
UTSA competitors Cyclosa and PLaCR I.T. respectively placed second and third in the business planning competition, held Tuesday, April 30 in conjunction with the university’s first Technology Symposium at the UTSA Main Campus.
Amputees who wear prosthetic limbs frequently experience discomfort. Heat builds up in the space where their residual limb meets the prostheses, leading to the accumulation of sweat. In addition to the discomfort this causes, serious medical problems can result, such as infection, skin breakdown, ulcers and painful friction blisters.
Leto Solutions offers Aquilonix Prosthetic Cooling System, which uses thermoelectric technology integrated into a prosthetic socket worn by the patient, to regulate the temperature and reduce sweating. Leto Solutions includes undergraduate engineering majors Austin Darius, Jake Montez, David Schultz and Gary Walters and undergraduate business majors Nam Do, Eric Michael Garza, Enrique Medrano and Justin Stultz.
“It’s been six years since my leg was amputated and for six years I’ve been searching for a solution to the discomfort that I feel from heat every day wearing a prosthetic,” said Gary Walters, senior mechanical engineering major. “This competition allowed for the perfect time and opportunity to create a solution.”
During the competition, local academic, business and entrepreneurial experts judge the teams on their technology, business plan and presentation.
“This is one of the best programs in the U.S. and over the years I have seen the quality and caliber of the companies and presentations grow tremendously each year,” said Randy Goldsmith, investor-in-residence at Texas Technology Development Center and CITE competition judge. “We have had the opportunity to fund the first-place winner from four competitions ago, and we are seriously considering funding the other winners as well.”
In all, 10 student teams competed for $100,000 in cash and business-related services. The remaining teams included:
“What made this group unique is that they were so competitive with one another,” said Anita Leffel, UTSA entrepreneurship professor and associate director of CITE. “They really learned from each other and fed off each others’ energy and motivation to make their companies better and better leading up to this competition. I’m proud of all of them.”
Established in 2007 and held semi-annually, the $100K Student Technology Venture Competition at UTSA offers the largest award of all undergraduate business planning competitions in the nation. It offers UTSA’s undergraduate senior business and engineering students the opportunity to build a technology, patent it, create a business and launch it in a rigorous incubator program.
Winners receive $100,000 in cash and business-related services including consulting, marketing and legal services, office space and other benefits.
The UTSA CITE $100,000 Student Technology Venture Competition is sponsored by the Texas Research & Technology Foundation, Cox | Smith, Rackspace, the San Antonio Technology Center and Startech, and is supported by the UTSA College of Business, College of Engineering and Vice President for Research.
Wendy Frost—
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