Posted on August 29, 2011 by Christi Fish
Ermine Orta
Ermine Orta, ’01, MS ’04, lecturer in the Department of Management Science and Statistics, was named a recipient of the 2011 UT System Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award. Only 72 faculty were chosen for this award.
“My goal is to help students realize their potential and develop strong critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills,” said Orta, coordinator of the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan. Teaching undergraduate statistics courses, Orta is a student favorite and her classes fill up quickly. She introduces basic statistical concepts while engaging students with hands-on activities.
In recognition of her outstanding work in the classroom, Orta also received the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Core Curriculum Teaching and the College of Business Teaching Excellence Award for non-tenure-track faculty in 2010. Her students note that she is dedicated and works after hours to help answer questions.
Awardees are selected following a rigorous review process. Candidates must demonstrate a clear commitment to teaching and a sustained ability to deliver excellence to the undergraduate learning experience. Evaluations by students, peer faculty and external reviewers consider a range of activities and criteria including classroom expertise, curricula quality, innovative course development and student learning outcomes.
A member of the faculty since 2006, she received her bachelor of science in mathematics and a master of science in statistics from UTSA.
Wendy Frost—
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