Posted on October 5, 2012 by Wendy Frost
Highlighting the real world applications of business faculty research, the UTSA College of Business will host a research symposium “Bridging the Gap: Research to Practice” on Nov. 1. The event begins at 3:30 p.m. and will be held in the University Center Ballroom on UTSA’s Main Campus.
Showcasing the scholarly work of business faculty, presentations will be given on such topics as branding, CEO compensation, computer security, corporate finance, green real estate, international accounting, managing employees and sustainability. The event concludes with a reception at 6 p.m.
“The goal for this inaugural research symposium is to present top-tier research in a non-technical and jargon free manner,” said Hamid Beladi , associate dean of research in the college and IBC Bank Senior Faculty Fellow in Economics. “We encourage business leaders, patrons and UTSA stakeholders to participate in this forum which will build and strengthen relationships between UTSA College of Business faculty and the local community.”
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