Posted on February 24, 2012 by Wendy Frost
Since the college’s Center for Student Professional Development opened in 2007, the center has focused on transforming business students into business professionals and meeting the recruitment needs of the business community.
In support of this mission, the college has embarked on a second phase of development for the center—the creation of Leadership Suites to be used to meet the professional development needs of our students as well as the recruitment needs of potential employers.
Private funding from alumni, corporate sponsors and friends is needed at this critical time to advance this project. With a grand opening celebration planned for Fall 2012, the College of Business has begun a focused campaign for the Leadership Suites. Support opportunities include the following:
Alumni can support the Leadership Suites at the Founder level for a three-year commitment of $1,000 annually, or just $83.33 a month - less than your monthly cable bill. And don’t forget to leverage your company’s matching gift opportunities to increase your support even more.
The suites will occupy 1,200 square feet of space on the ground floor of the Business Building. The suites are divided into six multi-purpose breakout rooms that will allow the college versatility in conducting professional development programming.
The space can be used for on-campus recruitment interviews during the week–allowing the business community to have direct access to top students. During evening and weekend hours, the Leadership Suites will provide study space for our Executive MBA students as well as small group seminar space for all business students.
To learn more about these opportunities, please contact Kim West at (210) 458-4313.
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