Posted on July 29, 2011 by Christi Fish
football player on the Riverwalk
With the launch of UTSA’s inaugural football team, the College of Business has created a new bachelor of business administration degree in sport, event and tourism management that should appeal to fans as well.
“This degree provides students with a more diverse background in this discipline,” said Dr. David Bojanic , the Anheuser-Busch Foundation Professor in Tourism Management. “Previously we offered only a tourism concentration. This degree combines the synergies of the respective areas to form a more cohesive program.”
Housed in the Department of Marketing, the new degree will prepare students for careers in sport management and marketing, event management, travel and tourism and destination marketing.
Academic coursework includes the study of tourism, sport and event management, sport marketing, economics of tourism and leisure, tourism law and destination marketing.
Wendy Frost–
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