Posted on July 15, 2009 by Wendy Frost
The University of Texas at San Antonio College of Business will host an economic panel presentation on “What Would Milton Friedman Think?” on Friday, July 31. The presentation, which is free and open to the public, will be held in the Southwest Room (1.124) in the Durango Building on UTSA’s Downtown Campus.
Co-sponsored by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, the presentation is being held in honor of the late Nobel Laureate’s 97th birthday. The foundation is sponsoring more than 50 events throughout the nation to explore the impact Friedman and his free market theories have had on our society.
Friedman was regarded as one of the world’s most influential promoters of freedom. He taught economics at both the University of Chicago and Stanford University. His revolutionary work in economic theory earned him the Nobel Prize in 1976.
Speakers will discuss current economic issues from a Friedman perspective. Panelists include John Merrifield, professor of economics at the UTSA College of Business, and Gary Hoover, entrepreneur and a former student of Friedman’s. Hoover will discuss the current economic situation and Merrifield will discuss school choice.
The program will begin at 7:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast. The presentation will be held from 8-9 a.m. For more information or to make reservations for the event, call 458-4315 or e-mail
Nationally ranked and recognized, the UTSA College of Business is accredited by AACSB International, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. It is one of the 40 largest business schools in the nation with 6,000 enrolled students and 37 different graduate and undergraduate business programs.
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