Our faculty engage in research and teaching to explore and uncover the processes that create successful brands, products and services; how companies communicate the power of brands through traditional and digital advertising and through social media in our multi-cultural and global world; the mechanics of distribution of products through various channels; the dynamics of consumer and buyer behavior and judgment; and ultimately, the factors that are responsible for creating value for consumers and society.

Our faculty are experts in cross-cultural research, product innovation and take-off, judgment and decision making, marketing strategy, data analytics, marketing models, self-concept and persuasion, retailing, advertising and sports and tourism.

Nationally ranked for our research productivity, our faculty publish in the best marketing journals of the world including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Science. Members of the faculty also serve on the editorial boards of prestigious international journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Travel Research, and the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Our faculty have also received numerous awards for their teaching and research including the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, the President’s Distinguished Teaching Award and American Marketing Association Best Paper awards.