Recognized as a leading accounting scholar, Dr. K. K. Raman joined the Carlos Alvarez College of Business as the inaugural holder of the Glenn L. and Sally P. Ramsdell Memorial Endowed Chair in Accounting in Fall 2012. He also serves as professor in the Department of Accounting. Raman previously was the O.J. Curry Professor of Accounting at the University of North Texas.
His research interests are in the areas of financial reporting, auditing and the pricing of information risk in global capital markets. He is widely published and has a dozen or more articles published in high-impact journals such as The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and Journal of Corporate Finance. Raman is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy and the Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation. He has also served as an Academic Fellow at the Governmental Accounting Standard Board. More complete information about his research can be viewed at his SSRN page.
He holds a Ph.D. in accounting from Indiana University, an MBA in finance from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and a bachelor’s of economics from the University of Calcutta.
Research Interests
- Financial reporting
- Auditing
- Pricing of information risk in global capital markets
- Ph.D. Indiana University
- MBA Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
- B.A. University of Calcutta
- “PCAOB international inspections and US companies exports,” (with I. Khurana and B. Yun), Contemporary Accounting Research (in press). [ABS Rating 4; ABDC Rating A*Star]
- “Clawback adoptions and management earnings forecasts,” (with S. Fung, L. Sun, and L. Xu), European Accounting Review (in press). [ABS Rating 3; ABDC Rating A*Star]
- “Clawback adoptions and institutional investment decisions,” (with K. Cheung, S. Fung and J. Shen), Journal of Corporate Finance 91 (2025): 1-27. [ABS Rating 4; ABDC Rating A*Star]
- “Strategic alliances and shared auditors,” (with M. Baxamusa and A. Jha), Journal of Financial Stability 2024, 72: 1-23. [ABS Rating 3 (Finance); ABDC Rating A (Economics)]
- “Do auditors price common ownership?,” (with C. Ye and L. Yu), Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (2023), 42(4): 105-129. [ABS Rating 3; ABDC Rating A*Star]
- “Accounting Estimation Intensity, Auditor Estimation Expertise, and Managerial Bias,” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), Accounting Horizons (2023), 37 (June): 19-46.
- “Accounting Estimation Intensity, Analyst Following, and Earnings Forecast Properties,” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), Advances in Accounting (2022) 59 (December): 1-23.
- “Client corruption culture and audit quality: The conditioning effect of the competitive position of the incumbent auditor,” (with S. Fung and V. Pham), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2022), 59: 1133-1171.
- “Does Client Cyber-Breach Have Reputational Consequences for the Local Audit Office?,” (with S. Asthana and R. Kalelkar), Accounting Horizons (December 2021), 35(4): 1-22.
- “Sales growth, CEO pay, and corporate governance in India,” (with S. Jaiswall), Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance (April 2021), 36(2): 249-277. [ABS Rating 3]
- “PCAOB Inspections and the Differential Audit Quality Effect for Big 4 and Non-Big 4 US Auditors” (with I. Khurana and Lundstrom), Contemporary Accounting Research (Spring 2021), 38(1): 376-411. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- "The SOX 404 Control Audit and the Effectiveness of Additional Audit Effort in Lowering the Risk of Financial Misstatements,” (with C. Li, L. Sun, and R. Yong), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (April 2020), 54(3): 981-1009. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Audit Market Response to PCAOB Censures of US Big 4 Firms,” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), European Accounting Review (Summer 2019), 28(4): 621-658. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Did the 2005 Deferred Prosecution Agreement Adversely Impact KPMG’s Audit Practice?” (with M. Baugh, J. Boone, I. Khurana), Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (February 2019), 38(1): 77-102. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Fee competition among Big 4 auditors and audit quality” (with S. Asthana, and R. Kalelkar), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (February 2019), 52(2): 403-438. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Tax avoidance, managerial ability and investment efficiency,” (with I. Khurana and W. Moser), Abacus (December 2018), 54(4): 547-575. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Halo effect or fallen angel effect? Firm value consequences of greenhouse gas emissions and reputation for corporate social responsibility,” (with S. Cooper and J. Yin), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (May-June 2018), 37(3): 226-240. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Unintended consequences of Big 4 audit-office-level industry specialization” (with S. Asthana, and R. Kalelkar), International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation (2018), 14(2-3): 254-289. [ABS Rating 2]
- “Does the PCAOB’s International Inspection Program Improve Audit Quality for Non-US-listed Foreign Clients?” (with S. Fung and X. Zhu),” Journal of Accounting and Economics (August 2017), 64(1): 15-36. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “Did the 1998 Merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand Increase Audit Quality?,” (with J. Choi and S. Kim), Contemporary Accounting Research (Summer 2017), 34(2), 1071-1102. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “Spatial Competition in Local Audit Markets and the Fall-out on Deloitte from the 2007 PCAOB Censure,” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (May 2017), 36(2): 1-20. [ABS Rating 3]
- “The Effect of Ambiguity in an Auditing Standard on Auditor Independence: Evidence from Nonaudit Fees and SOX 404 Opinions,” (with C. Li, L. Sun, and D. Wu), Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (April 2017), 13(1): 37-51. [ABS Rating 2]
- “The SOX 404 internal control audit: Key regulatory events,” (with C. Li, L. Sun, and D. Wu), Research in Accounting Regulation (Fall 2015), 27(2): 160-164. [ABS Rating 2]
- “US-listed foreign companies’ choice of a US-based vs. home country-based Big N principal auditor and the effect on audit fees and earnings quality,” (with S. Asthana and H. Xu), Accounting Horizons (September 2015), 29(3): 631-666. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Insider Sales and the effectiveness of clawback adoptions in mitigating fraud risk,” (with S. Fung, L. Sun and L. Xu), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (July-August 2-15), 34(3): 417-436. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Did the 2007 PCAOB disciplinary order against Deloitte impose actual costs on the firm or improve its audit quality?” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), The Accounting Review (March 2015), 90(2): 405-441. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “Weakened outside shareholder rights in dual-class firms and timely loss reporting,” (with I. Khurana and D. Wang), Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (December 2013), 9(2): 203-220. [ABS Rating 2]
- “Religiosity and tax avoidance,” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), Journal of the American Taxation Association (Spring 2013), 35(1): 53-84. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Audit market concentration and auditor tolerance of earnings management,” (with J. Boone and I. Khurana), Contemporary Accounting Research (December 2012), 29(4): 1171-1203. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “CFO/CEO-board Social Ties, Sarbanes Oxley, and Earning Management,” with G. Krishnan, K. Yang and W. Yu, Accounting Horizons, Vol. 25, No. 3, September 2011, pp. 537-557. [ABS Rating 3]
- “Do Investors Care About the Auditor’s Economic Dependence on the Client?” with I. Khurana, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 23, No. 4, Winter 2006, pp. 977-1016. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “Litigation Risk and the Financial Reporting Credibility of Big Four vs. Non-Big Four Audits: Evidence from Anglo-American Countries,” with I. Khurana, The Accounting Review, Vol. 79, No. 2, April 2004, pp. 473-495. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “Are Fundamentals Priced in the Bond Market?” with I. Khurana, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 20, No. 3, Fall 2003, pp. 465-494. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- “Governmental Audit Procurement Practices and Seasoned Bond Prices,” with E. Wilson, The Accounting Review, Vol. 69, No. 4, October 1994, pp. 517-538. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- "The Information In Governmental Annual Reports: A Contemporaneous Price Reaction Approach", (with R. Ingram and E. Wilson), The Accounting Review (April 1989), 64(2), pp. 250-268. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- "The Effect of Unfunded Accumulated and Projected Pension Obligations on Governmental Borrowing Costs," (with B. Marks), Contemporary Accounting Research (Spring 1988), 4(2), pp. 595-608. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- "Some Additional Evidence on the Determinants of State Audit Budgets,"(with B. Marks), Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (Fall 1987), 7(1), pp. 106-117. [ABS Rating 3]
- "The Importance of Pension Data for State and Municipal Creditor Decisions," (with B. Marks), Journal of Accounting Research (Fall 1985), 23(1), pp. 878-886. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]
- "Financial Reporting and Municipal Bond Rating Changes," The Accounting Review (October 1981), 56(4), pp. 910-926. [ABS Rating 4 Elite]