Samson Alva, Ph.D.

Department Chair in Economics, Associate Professor, Economics

Samson Alva Headshot



Personal Faculty Website
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Samson Alva joined the Department of Economics at UTSA in 2013. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Boston College and undergraduate degrees in physics, mathematics and economics from Mercer University.

Dr. Alva's primary area of research is market and mechanism design, particularly focusing on matching problems and on the allocation of indivisible goods. His other research areas include industrial organization and political economy.

Dr. Alva teaches graduate and undergraduate microeconomics, as well as a course in game theory and strategy.

Research Interests

  • Market design
  • Matching theory
  • Industrial organization
  • Applied game theory


  • Ph.D. Boston College
  • M.A. Boston College
  • B.S. Mercer University


  • "Strategy-proof Pareto-improvement," with Vikram Manjunath, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 181, 2019, p. 121-142.
  • "WARP and Combinatorial Choice," Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 173, 2018, p. 320-333.