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Headshot of Alper Arslan, Ph.D.Hosted by the Department of Economics, this research workshop is an opportunity for faculty to present early-stage research projects and collect colleagues' feedback. Contact Alper Arslan to RSVP or for more information.


Alper Arslan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Economics
The University of Texas at San Antonio

 "School Strategies in Centralized Admissions"

In centralized admissions, students are assigned to schools using matching algorithms, with pre-announced student ranking rules guiding their applications based on preferences and the admission mechanism. Our project analyzes school strategies in centralized admission using data on college admissions outcomes from Turkey. While schools are often viewed as passive entities in many studies, we demonstrate that their strategic behavior varies over the years based on matching outcomes. Additionally, we find that school strategies contribute to an increase in application mistakes by students. To enhance the current system in Turkey, we propose a basic matching algorithm.

Brown Bag Research Workshop with Alper Arslan

Start Date & Time

May 03, 2024 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM



BB 4.02.02, Seminar Room


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