The capstone course for the UTSA Carlos Alvarez College of Business Real Estate Finance and Development major is FIN 4733: Principles of Real Estate Development. The instruction from the entire degree program is integrated into a real estate development team project which is presented at this competition.

In keeping with the educational mission of the CCIM Institute, the purpose of this competition is to support the Real Estate Finance and Development students at UTSA. CCIM’s goal is to broaden students’ real estate education by grounding them in the real world, dealing with the people they will meet, on the job and in the pursuit of their real estate career. The winning team receives the CCIM-John Vogel-UTSA Project Competition Award.

Competition History

The founder and namesake of the program, John Vogel, wanted to give back to the community that he had grown to love. As a board member of the local CCIM chapter, Vogel had prior experience working with UTSA. He realized that the combination of CCIM’s dedication to real estate education and the real estate program at UTSA was the perfect platform. He believed that combining the CCIM dedication to commercial real estate education with UTSA’s real estate program would produce an exciting, real world experience for students by involving them with San Antonio’s business community which they would soon be entering. The Vogel Award is presented to the student team winning the judged competition at the close of the Principles of Real Estate Development course. The San Antonio/ South Texas CCIM Chapter has formed the CCIM Education Endowment to keep John Vogel’s legacy and spirit alive by continuing the Vogel CCIM Award with the same love and passion that John Vogel, CCIM had in bringing the prize into being.

How it works

  • A CCIM committee finds local real estate firms willing to serve as a team mentor
  • Each team chooses a real estate development project that meets the class specifications
  • Teams spend the semester researching and developing their project
  • CCIM assembles a panel of judges based on their experience and expertise in the various fields comprising real estate development
  • At the end of each semester teams present their projects to the panel of judges
  • Each team is required to determine if their project is financially viable and to explain how and why they came to their conclusion
  • Judges assess each project based on a set of predetermined criteria
  • The team with the highest combined score receives the award


A Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate. Since the CCIM program was created in 1969, more than 15,000 commercial real estate professionals have earned the designation. Courses leading to the designation are now offered throughout the world.

  • CCIM Co-Chairs:  Steve Raub
  • UTSA Co-Chairs:  Thomas Thomson, Ray Teske, and Laura Gilliland